Healthcare & Senior Living Mystery Shopping Articles
Articles By and About Devon Hill Associates:
Is there a ‘mystery shopper’ in your ED: Mystery shoppers can uncover ED weaknesses. ‘Patients’ present unannounced, report findings.
ED Management. By Steve Lewis
Add a little ‘mystery’ to the interview process. Uncover candidate interview pitfalls and achieve a positive reputation for your organization.
Nursing Homes. By Barbara Gerber
Paving the Way to Superior Performance
Assisted Living Today. By Barbara Gerber
Make Customer Service Your Business
Assisted Living Today. By Barbara Gerber
Mystery Shopping Captures Missed Opportunities
COR Healthcare Market Strategist. By Karen Southwick
The Goods on Three Spies
Hospitals and Healthcare Networks. By Charles Downey
What Mystery Shopping Can Do For You
Trustee. By Sondra Bazrod
Healthcare Forum Journal. By David O. Weber
Taking the Mystery Out of Mystery Shopping
Group Practice Journal. By Barbara Gerber
“Price Check: The Mystery of Hospital Pricing” A 5 month Study for the California HealthCare Foundation
A brief summary of a report released by the California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) indicates that more needs to be done to help people who shop for pricing and financial assistance information at California hospitals. During the 5-month study conducted by Devon Hill Associates, a total of 622 calls and visits to 64 hospitals were made by mystery shoppers posing as uninsured patients requesting pricing information for elective procedures.
By Barbara Gerber
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For information on mystery shopping and other services, call Barbara Gerber at +1-858-456-7800.