Healthcare Mystery Shopping
“Secret Patients” Help Improve the Patient Experience
Healthcare Mystery Shopping is a research tool that uses Secret Patients to provide detailed, unbiased insights and feedback to hospitals, clinics, HMOs, outpatient facilities and medical practices about patients’ expectations and experiences with their care. The goal of healthcare mystery shopping is increased patient satisfaction and an outstanding patient experience.
Why Use Healthcare Mystery Shopping?
Whether it’s a medical emergency, an inpatient stay, an outpatient procedure or a routine exam, today’s consumers have high expectations about their treatment. Medical quality is a “given,” but patients also expect courteous, responsive service and kind, compassionate care. Healthcare providers often have a limited understanding of how they are truly perceived by patients in these critical performance areas. Mystery shopping brings clarity and understanding to these perceptions.
Devon Hill’s healthcare mystery shopping captures and documents almost every interaction that our “Secret Patients” have in your facilities. We engage qualified individuals to:
- Make calls to your facilities
- Make visits to your facilities
- Become patients in your facilities
Our deliverables let you “see,” in detail, how your facility and its staff are perceived as performing and what messages are being communicated about your quality, caring, empathy, efficiency, responsiveness and professionalism.
Healthcare Mystery Shopping:
- Provides significant insight into patients’ expectations and perceptions of their care,
- Highlights satisfiers and dissatisfiers at crucial touch points,
- Reveals positive and negative experiences that aren’t captured in patient satisfaction surveys,
- Digs deeper and further into each patient-staff encounter than patient satisfaction surveys,
- Identifies the “little things” that make patients and families feel important, and
- Uncovers systems and people barriers that often go unnoticed or undetected by your staff.
“I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how well our Mystery Shopper report was received by the leadership team … I believe a big part of their willingness to accept the information was because it wasn’t all bad. I think you and your mystery shoppers did a good job of seeing both the good and the bad, and made sure the final report contained both … your company has done a great job giving us an honest, unbiased look at what our customer sees. Thanks! ”
– Medical City Dallas Hospital • Dallas, TX
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